Njamba Koffi

Njamba’s journey to becoming a social entrepreneur began during his time at the University of British Columbia (UBC). While at UBC, he held several extracurricular leadership roles and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Affairs. He is currently pursuing an MBA at UBC’s Sauder School of Business.
He works at the Vancouver Foundation as a Research and Design Manager. Prior to this, he worked for the Vancouver Foundation as a Grants and Community Initiative Manager, where he primarily managed grassroots granting programs including the Neighbourhood Small Grants and Downtown EastSide Small Arts Grants.
Njamba is also a writer. He has published a memoir, titled “Refuge-e: The Journey Much Desired” and has just completed a manuscript for the first book in an upcoming trilogy. Having lived in two refugee camps, Njamba believes that empowerment through education is of utmost importance for the future of marginalised peoples, particularly youth. His advocacy work spans multiple sectors and geographical boundaries. You can read more about Njamba on his website, www.jmkoffi.com .